Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gods Grace

Today as I was driving to work, I became overwhelmed by the grace of God. I began to think of all the blessings that have been given to me and how at times I tend to take those for granted. Needless to say, God has been tugging at my heart for a while now. I believe that He has something spectacular planned. But then again, doesn't He always? It just takes us to realize that we need to give control over to Him. He is the one with the master plan. As I was getting ready this morning, I was checking facebook (like I typically do while drying my hair) and a dear friend had this posted for thier status:

Quote from Rick Warren: God would not have sent a Savior if He didn't think we needed one. My prayer is that I work in His power and His strength in everything each day.

Just what I needed to be reminded of. I am not the one in control, He is. It is not for me to live for myself, but to live my life for HIM, and mostly I should be counting my blessings and not getting too big for my britches.

A few blessings I have been given:

My Family
A wonderful loving husband and 2 beautiful daughters, I am blessed beyond measure
but mostly I have been blessed by the gift of salvation and forgiveness. And Lord I am so thankful for that!

May I now talk the talk, and walk the walk.

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