Monday, August 30, 2010

Really a Year???

I cannot believe that it has really been a year since I last posted on here. I guess its pretty needless to say that a lot of things have gone on in the past year. So today I shall make a mid year resolution to keep up better with these blogs so that you all have an idea of what is going on in our crazy part of the world.

Now, lets play catch up: Jason is still farming. Actually he is still in recovery mode with a farm cleaning up after the May flood. I cannot begin to describe the amount of damage that water can caused. This was my first (and hopefully last) experience with a flood.

Sarah has begun her 7th grade year! I cannot believe that she is in middle school already. Where did this time go? I really dont remember watching it run out the door, but it has evidently went somewhere. She seems to really be liking middle school and is turning into a beautiful young lady.

Abby has begun preschool and depending on the day that you ask her, will depend on if she tells you she likes it or not. She has learned so much and seems to have lots of fun playing and making friends. She is on the go all the time and only stops to sleep...and that isnt very often.

I have taken on a position of working outside the home. I am now the 4-H extension agent for Montgomery County. I absolutely love this job and cannot wait to see what all can be done with and for this program.

Hopefully you will check back often and it wont take me another year to post again.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad you are back! Maybe....just might inspire me to do the same!!

angie s. said...

oops...that was from me!