Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas

As we enter into this Christmas season, I want to wish everyone a very merry CHRISTmas and best wishes for the new year. I have been truly blessed with my family. I look back on this year and cannot believe all that has been accomplished. All the many firsts, as well as new steps that have been taken. I hope you find yourself surrounded by love and family. Yet never forget you are always surrounded by the love of JESUS. HE is the reason we celebrate this most wonderful time of the year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Thanksgiving was good this year. We set off to Alabama around 10:30 pm after being at Gertrudes for dinner there. We made it to daddys around3:30 in the morning. After waking daddy up at 6 we spent a few hours there. We went to my aunt resas for lunch and got a lot of good food. Turned back around and went to daddys, then we headed home. As a tradition we spent the weekend after thanksgiving not shopping til we dropped, but rather getting all the christmas decorations out. I have a lot to be thankful for, but I truely love the christmas season. I truely believe that its the most wonderful time of the year.
During thanksgiving I was able to see some family that I hardly ever get a chance to see. I enjoyed sitting around and reminesing over the years gone by. It was great to just sit around and fellowship with the family. Although not everyone was physically there, we have kept them in our hearts and thus they are with us no matter where we go.