Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby its Cold

Its cold out today. Granted the above pic is about a year old, I think that if its not going to be above freezing, then there should be some snow involved. Its a day to cuddle up and try to stay warm. I intend on trying to do that for the next day or so.
In other news I just want to say that the LORD is GOOD! Praises to HIM for the answered prayers concerning my step mom. I know she has had mighty prayer warriors on her behalf for some time now. Its times like this that I am truly amazed at the power prayer has. I have experienced the power of prayer on a personal note as well. Being told that Sarah would be our only child, I turned this issue over to God, and HE provided our family with Abby. How wonderful and mighty is our LORD! I stand in awe of the mighty things He has done.

Maybe today is a day to cuddle up and stay warm in the LORD. Maybe there are days like this to remind us that it is time to cuddle up in the warmth of our God. What could be better than a good snuggle with your father?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

As I sit back and ponder on 2008, I find myself humbled by all of the blessings that have been given to me. Most importantly my faith in Christ. He is the source of all the blessings bestowed upon me. I am also blessed with a wonderful husband who allows the opportunity for me to stay at home with the kids. I am so fortuante to be able to be home with my kids. I look forward to picking up Sarah from school and asking about her day. I love the fact that she is not in a daycare somewhere wondering when I am gonna get off of work to come and get her. I love seeing the excitement that Abby has for her sister. She gets so happy to see Sarah after a long day alone with mommy. I am blessed to have both of my children. Both of them given to me by the grace of my heavenly father.
For 2009, I wish for health and happyness to you. I wish you the love of Christ to be upon you. I am hoping that at the end of this year I am able to say that I have been blessed beyond measure and that I have been a good and faithful servant.