Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mouse alert...and its not MICKEY

Ok I know its been a while since I have last since posted...but I do have a good reason. .... I just havent had time. I know, I know, its a bit of a shock to some people, but that is the truth. Meanwhile, I have had my office infested by mice. Now growing up I had a hamster and a gerbil and did very well I might add at taking care of them and loving them as only a pre teen can do. However, the mouse infestation has given me the heebee jeebees to say the least. We (and I say that meaning Poncho, Phillip and Jason) have torn down the walls of the office, which in turn means I have to unplug the computer as well as every other electronic device in there and wait for them to get "my" section back together so that work can be done. Needless to say as they are putting things back in order the work is piling high on the desk, among other things. Now did I mention that in the middle of all this I have to get our taxes filed by the end of February? At one point and time I was sure about where everything was for this dreaded event. However, 10 minutes before my appointment today I am still looking for the interest statements that used to be in a folder on my desk. Needless to say I did find them and was actually thankful that the accountant was running a little behind as usual today. As for now, all the walls to the office but one are back up. I am waiting for another rainy day for the final wall to be put up and then hopefully the office will return to working order. In the meantime this has given me another way to prove to Jason that we really do NEED an Internet feed in the house.

Oh yeah, we did find the mouse hotel, for the PETA people we relocated them to the dumpster where they would have plenty to eat and travel well as the nest of their future generation.


angie shockley said...

haha, Julie! I am with you, sister. I say just kill them all. Ewwwww!

Julie said...

Yes Yes YES!!! Now if only I could have taken the ladybugs out with the mice.